IP Lawyers on the Gold Coast
Find an Intellectual Property lawyer below
If you’ve put in the time and effort to come up with a brilliant, profitable idea, the last thing you want is someone stealing that idea or claiming you stole it from them. Intellectual Property Lawyers can advise you on a range of matters such as trademarks, copyright, patents and all other matters pertaining to intellectual property.
You’ll find a number of Intellectual Property Lawyers on the Gold Coast that can defend your business plans, concepts and ideas.
ABKJ Lawyers - Adamson Bernays Kyle and Jones

ABKJ Lawyers have been practising on the Gold Coast since 1970 and have a wealth of experience they bring to all their clients. Intellectual Property is a specialised part of Commercial Law with which ABKJ have a reputation for providing professional advice and assistance. For all matters of Intellectual Property including copyright, confidential information and trademarks, contact ABKJ Lawyers today.
3 Short Street, Southport, Qld 4215
Phone: (07) 5532 3199 Fax: (07) 5591 3402
Email: admin@abkj.com.au
Website: www.abkj.com.au