Workplace Relations lawyers on the Gold Coast
Find a Workplace Relations lawyer below
A Workplace Relations Lawyer practices in matters of workplace law, employment law and even industrial relations. Whether you need representation relating to either side of a wrongful dismissal, workplace agreements, workplace harassment, enterprise bargaining or any other legal matter pertaining to your employment, you need a Workplace Relations Lawyer.
You’ll find lawyers specialising in Workplace Relations in the list below.
ABKJ Lawyers - Adamson Bernays Kyle and Jones

The practice has been conducting business on the Gold Coast since 1970 and provides a comprehensive range of legal services to its clients, which include large corporations, local authorities and institutions as well as small business and private individuals located throughout the Gold Coast, Queensland, interstate and overseas. The partners specialise in their own specific areas of practice. While being one of the larger and longest established firms on the Gold Coast, they have not lost sight of the necessity to maintain sound personal relationships in dealing with all clients.
3 Short St, Southport, Queensland, 4215
Phone: (07) 5532 3199 Fax: (07) 5591 3402